Oh no! Our children are growing up and leaving the nest! What will we do?
I’ve heard it several times over the last few years. “What are you going to do when your kids leave home?” My friends are concerned. We are not.
We are keeping plenty busy. Trips in our RV. Golfing. Kayaking. Parish life. Scouting. Service projects. Cooking. And yes, visiting with the kids from time to time. As it is, I don’t have enough time to keep up with my blogging as much as I could.
So don’t you worry. We’ll be just fine. 🙂
Getting Out the Scouting for Food Neckerchief Slide and Helping Others
This weekend this empty-nester Cubmaster is starting our annual Scouting for Food drive with the little Cub Scouts from our parish. I found my “vintage” Scouting for Food neckerchief slide in the drawer and put it on. (Instructions follow.)
When Should You Winterize Your RV?
“October extinguished itself in a rush of howling winds and driving rain and November arrived, cold as frozen iron, with hard frosts every morning and icy drafts that bit at exposed hands and faces.” Well, that seems to be what has happened here in Missouri.
Taking Care of the Environment: Are We the Prodigal Sons and Daughters?
For those of us who love the outdoors, environmentalism is a big concern. Not just because we enjoy the wonders of creation, but because we want to preserve it for future generations also. And while it can be easy to take sides on how to deal with environmental issues – right or left, red state…