Category: Family
St. Justin Girl’s Basketball – 1978 Maybe
Since there is a lot of talk about basketball these days, today’s throwback is from our girl’s basketball team. I’m not sure of the date, but I’m guessing about 1978 since I am still wearing my coke-bottle glasses.
Troop Court of Honor – July 2007
Today’s throwback is to some photos I found from a Troop Court of Honor in July 2007. I noticed a few fun things here: How small DS looks, JD’s big smile while receiving an award, LC quietly sitting in the corner, and ZM getting involved in the action.
Boy Scout Summer Camp at Camp Sakima – July 2007
We went to Camp Sakima at S bar F Scout Ranch. The highlight at S bar F is Nim’s Lake, a 270 acre lake completely enclosed by the Scout property, which includes two other Scout camps (Famous Eagle and Gamble) along with Swift Base (a high adventure camp for Venturers, Explorers, and older Scouts). So…
Handmade Valentine Card – Date Unknown
Today’s throwback is a Valentine from my dad to my mom. Or it might have been an anniversary card, but since tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, I’m going to say it was a Valentine.
Renovating the House – 2017
Three years we were renovating our old 1930’s house. Oh right – there used to be a wall there! So many changes in our lives since then. One of the reasons we did the renovation was so Mom could move in with us.
Is It a Limbo Snowman or a Disco Snowman?
Since we’ve been having snow off and on this week, today’s throwback is to December 2010. The boys made this snowman in the front yard. It was great packing snow. But it was also warm enough that the snowman started to lean. We couldn’t decide if he was trying to do limbo or imitating John…