Oh no! Our children are growing up and leaving the nest! What will we do?
I’ve heard it several times over the last few years. “What are you going to do when your kids leave home?” My friends are concerned. We are not.
We are keeping plenty busy. Trips in our RV. Golfing. Kayaking. Parish life. Scouting. Service projects. Cooking. And yes, visiting with the kids from time to time. As it is, I don’t have enough time to keep up with my blogging as much as I could.
So don’t you worry. We’ll be just fine. 🙂
Can You Mount a Bike Rack on the Bumper of a Micro Minnie Winnie?
Can you? Yes. Should you? Well in our experience, no. Even after having the bumper beefed up…
Paddling on the Meramec River
It was a beautiful day so we decided to go kayaking. We paddled from Castlewood State Park to the boat ramp at Greentree Park. Total trip was about 4.5 miles.
What Should You Send With Your Freshman When He Heads Off To College? Gooey Butter Cake!
Well, we took the youngest to college yesterday. And of course there was all of the packing beforehand. What does he need? And what comfort items does he want? And while it might not be a necessity, I made some gooey butter cake for him too. (Read on for recipe for Easy One Bowl Gooey…