Category: Parish Life
Freezer Meals Outreach
We had a freezer meals cook night last night. What is that? Well about 10 of us got together and made meals and froze them. Then when anyone from the parish knows somebody who needs a little care – somebody going through cancer treatment, or just had a death in the family, or a mom…
Decorating the Church for Christmas
Every year we help decorate our church for Christmas. All four boys were home for this event and they helped too. This has become a family tradition. And their help is always appreciated since they know the drill and they have strong arms to carry all of the trees and boxes from the basement.
How Cold Is Too Cold To Go Outside?
I can be a little hyperactive. That is no surprise to people who know me. So movement helps me focus and settle down. One thing I like to do is walk to church every morning. I attend 8am mass at my parish most weekday mornings. Except when we are out adventuring in our RV. :-)…
You Are Never Too Old for Breakfast with Santa
I haven’t been to a Breakfast with Santa lately. But I got to visit with St. Nick this last Sunday. Our Cub Scout pack had it’s annual pancake breakfast fundraiser and since I am the Cubmaster I hung around for most of the morning.
The Guardian’s Farewell: Remembering Loved Ones Who Have Passed Away
Fair warning. This one is going to be pretty sentimental. Late October is a time for me to remember loved ones who have died. During the last couple of weeks I have remembered my dad (Oct 17 birthday), my son who was stillborn (Oct 25, 1997), and the one year anniversary of my mom’s death…
Why Are We in a Tent When We Have a Travel Trailer?
We own a Micro Minnie Winnie RV. And we love going out camping in the travel trailer. So why did these two empty nesters sleep in a tent this past weekend? Cub Scouts!